There are many cards which have been graded by TAG in the past which are not currently or no longer currently eligible for various reasons.
TAG does not currently grade the following releases due to current checklist, language, or digital model issues which require further research or expertise - while TAG is not ruling out the acceptance of these issues in the future, our team is not currently able to prioritize the following:
Kakawow trading cards
Kayou trading cards
Gundam Beta TCG
Japanese Weiss Schwarz TCG
Hololive OCG
The following issues have been graded by TAG in the past but are not currently eligible due to thickness/encapsulation issues - we do not recommend sending cards thicker than 50pt cardstock to TAG as cards from the brand below have been shown to press against TAG's currently-available slab in a manner which has created a distorted visual effect.
Panini Obsidian