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Does TAG grade Pokemon / Yu-Gi-Oh!/ Magic: The Gathering / TCG cards?
Does TAG grade Pokemon / Yu-Gi-Oh!/ Magic: The Gathering / TCG cards?
Updated over a week ago

TAG's TCG program, which launched in November 2023, began with support for "Poker" sized trading card games - these cards measure 2.5 x 3.5 and include Wizards of the Coast's Magic: the Gathering and Pokemon, as well as One Piece, Disney Lorcana, and other similarly-sized releases. Only English-language cards are accepted, with the exception of Japanese Pokemon, One Piece and select Dragon Ball Z issues. TAG will not be accepting miscuts/misprints at this time, and is only accepting cards printed on standard cardstock - no metal material cards.

"Bridge"-sized trading card games such as Yu-Gi-Oh and several Bandai Carddass releases measure 2.25 x 3.5 and are not yet eligible for grading with TAG due to slab restrictions. These cards will be included in an upcoming expansion of TAG's services, likely in 2025.

All expansions of TAG's services will be announced through our social media channels @TAGgrading, our community Discord and Facebook groups, and through the TAG Grading newsletter.

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